ADA / Handicap Toilets

Our ADA handicap units feature wider doorways and spacious interiors, providing adequate room for wheelchair access. Designed with user-friendly features like lowered seats, grab bars, and more space around the toilet, our ADA-compliant units meet the highest standards of convenience and comfort for people who use wheelchairs or walkers. While the dimensions might vary, our wheelchair-accessible porta potties are guaranteed to comply with current ADA regulations. They are designed to meet the accessibility requirements for people with disabilities, built to provide comfort to a wide variety of users. They offer plenty of space for people with wheelchairs, strollers, and walkers.

ada/handicap portable toilets are designed to be quickly transported and set up at various sites

Make your events more inclusive and accessible with our ADA-compliant portable toilets. Built with comfort and safety in mind, our ADA-compliant restrooms include ramps, accessible sinks, and non-slip flooring, making them an outstanding choice for events where people with mobility issues need access to restrooms. Our ADA toilets are a comprehensive solution for a wide range of uses, including construction sites, outdoor gatherings, and sporting events. Contact us today to find out more and ensure that your project or event shows a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility for all that attend.